
Offering personalized IV hydration, Injections and Weightloss solutions

About Us

Hydrate Cape Cod is a nurse, owned and operated business, dedicated to promoting beauty recovery health and wellness. We provide our clients with the highest quality of vitamin IV therapies and injections in our relaxing spa. Whether you were looking for weight loss, more energy, a beauty boost, or you are feeling under the weather. We have a personalized mix for you.


We offer extensive variety of hydration services and injections to meet your needs and help you reach your goals. These are challenging times in a constantly changing world. The demands on our bodies and minds are higher than ever! Discover our full range of cocktails designed to help you overcome whatever challenges are thrown your way.

Contact Us

Whether you are dragging from too much ‘FUN’ out in the sun, having one too many cocktails avoiding colds flus and viruses ,looking to improve your performance or seeking away to support your long-term wellness —-WE ARE THE RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!
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